Results for 'David O. Jenkins'

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  1. The Ethical Dimension of Personal Knowledge.David O. Jenkins - 1982 - Dissertation, Loyola University of Chicago
    My purpose in this dissertation is to show that a wide-ranging investigation of Michael Polanyi's epistemology and ontology taken together with his social-political writings reveals the possibility of explicating an ethical language which can be seen, in Polanyi's terms, to be tacit within these works. The work naturally divides into two parts: the first deals with Polanyi's epistemology and ontology; the second deals with the social and political writings. ;The first part consists in two major arguments: the epistemological and the (...)
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    Psychosocial Interventions and Wellbeing in Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Michaela C. Pascoe, David R. Thompson, David J. Castle, Zoe M. Jenkins & Chantal F. Ski - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3. What a Home Does.David Jenkins & Kimberley Brownlee - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (4):441-468.
    Analytic philosophy has largely neglected the topic of homelessness. The few notable exceptions, including work by Jeremy Waldron and Christopher Essert, focus on our interests in shelter, housing, and property rights, but ignore the key social functions that a home performs as a place in which we are welcomed, accepted, and respected. This paper identifies a ladder of home-related concepts which begins with the minimal notion of temporary shelter, then moves to persistent shelter and housing, and finally to the rich (...)
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  4. The Activity of Reasoning: How Reasoning Can Constitute Epistemic Agency.David Jenkins - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (3):413-428.
    We naturally see ourselves as capable of being active with respect to the matter of what we believe – as capable of epistemic agency. A natural view is that we can exercise such agency by engaging in reasoning. Sceptics contend that such a view cannot be maintained in light of the fact that reasoning involves judgements, which are not decided upon or the products of prior intentions. In response, I argue that reasoning in fact can amount to epistemic agency in (...)
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  5. The Role of Judgment in Doxastic Agency.David Jenkins - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):12-19.
    We take it that we can exercise doxastic agency by reasoning and by making judgments. We take it, that is, that we can actively make up our minds by reasoning and judging. On what I call the ‘Standard View’ this is so because judgment can yield belief. It is typical to take it that judgments yield beliefs by causing them. But on the resultant understanding of the Standard View, I argue, it is unclear how judgment could play its role in (...)
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    Gentrification as domination.David Jenkins - 2025 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 28 (2):188-214.
    Advocates of gentrification regard it as a strategy of urban rehabilitation. Critics see in it the displacement of people from old neighborhoods, the polarizing of communities and both the expression and exacerbation of existing inequalities. Within political theory, assessments of gentrification have engaged primarily in evaluating gentrification’s benefits (rehabilitation) and burdens (displacements). In this paper, I argue gentrification is best understood as a relationship of domination between, on the one hand, the producers and consumers of gentrification, connected to one another (...)
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  7. Reasoning and its limits.David Jenkins - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9479-9495.
    Reasoning is naturally understood as something which we actively do—as a kind of action. However, reflection on the supposed limits to the extent to which it is up to us how our reasoning unfolds is often taken to cast doubt on this idea. I argue that, once articulated with care, challenges to the idea that reasoning is a kind of action can be seen to trade on problematic assumptions. In particular, they trade on assumptions which could be used to rule (...)
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  8. Autonomous Vehicles Ethics: Beyond the Trolley Problem.David Černý, Ryan Jenkins & Tomáš Hříbek (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
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  9. Luminosity in the stream of consciousness.David Jenkins - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 7):1549-1562.
    Williamson’s “anti-luminosity” argument aims to establish that there are no significant luminous conditions. “Far from forming a cognitive home”, luminous conditions are mere “curiosities”. Even supposing Williamson’s argument succeeds in showing that there are no significant luminous states his conclusion has not thereby been established. When it comes to determining what is luminous, mental events and processes are among the best candidates. It is events and processes, after all, which constitute the stream of consciousness. Judgment, for instance, is plausibly self-conscious. (...)
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    Variability in photos of the same face.Rob Jenkins, David White, Xandra Van Montfort & A. Mike Burton - 2011 - Cognition 121 (3):313-323.
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  11. How inference isn’t blind: Self-conscious inference and its role in doxastic agency.David Jenkins - 2019 - Dissertation, King’s College London
    This thesis brings together two concerns. The first is the nature of inference—what it is to infer—where inference is understood as a distinctive kind of conscious and self-conscious occurrence. The second concern is the possibility of doxastic agency. To be capable of doxastic agency is to be such that one is capable of directly exercising agency over one’s beliefs. It is to be capable of exercising agency over one’s beliefs in a way which does not amount to mere self-manipulation. Subjects (...)
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  12. The Neural Bases of Directed and Spontaneous Mental State Attributions to Group Agents.Anna Jenkins, David Dodell-Feder, Rebecca Saxe & Joshua Knobe - 2014 - PLoS ONE 9.
    In daily life, perceivers often need to predict and interpret the behavior of group agents, such as corporations and governments. Although research has investigated how perceivers reason about individual members of particular groups, less is known about how perceivers reason about group agents themselves. The present studies investigate how perceivers understand group agents by investigating the extent to which understanding the ‘mind’ of the group as a whole shares important properties and processes with understanding the minds of individuals. Experiment 1 (...)
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    The Scope and Limits of John Macquarrie's Existential Theology.David Jenkins - 1987 - Academia Ubsalaliens.
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    The populist critique of ‘Corrupted’ representative claim making.David Jenkins - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Populism sets people against elites. Most discussions of populism focus on the dangers that come with assuming too homogenous a vision of a ‘pure’ people against a ‘corrupt’ elite. However, an obvious question to ask is what elites do, or might do, to court populists ire. In this paper, I draw on Michael Saward’s work on representation to construct an account of populism that focuses on the ways in which elites can conceivably corrupt (and have conceivably corrupted) the institutions responsible (...)
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    Deprivation and generalization.W. O. Jenkins, G. R. Pascal & R. W. Walker Jr - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (3):274.
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    Work Relationships and Autonomy.David Jenkins & Adam Neal - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-22.
    Many people lack autonomy because they work jobs that deny them significant and meaningful control over what they do. The negative impact of this can be ameliorated, to a degree, by the relationships that people often form with co-workers: that is, workplace sociability can itself enhance workers’ autonomy while also helping them tolerate heteronomous work by making it more bearable. In addition, workplace sociability is also a potential resource for advancing the cause of working people’s autonomy, acting as a basis (...)
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  17. Living with Questions.David Jenkins - 1973 - Religious Studies 9 (2):251-253.
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  18. The Glory of Man.David E. Jenkins - 1967
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    What is man?David E. Jenkins - 1970 - Valley Forge,: Judson Press.
  20. Reasoning's relation to bodily action.David Jenkins - 2020 - Ratio 33 (2):87-96.
    Recent philosophical work on the relation between reasoning and bodily action is dominated by two views. It is orthodox to have it that bodily actions can be at most causally involved in reasoning. Others have it that reasoning can constitutively involve bodily actions, where this is understood as a matter of non‐mental bodily events featuring as constituents of practical reasoning. Reflection on cases of reasoning out‐loud suggests a neglected alternative on which both practical and theoretical reasoning can have bodily actions (...)
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    An experimental analysis of set in rote learning: retroactive inhibition as a function of changing set.William O. Jenkins & Leo Postman - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (1):69.
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    ‘Everybody’s gotta do something’: neutrality and work.David Jenkins - 2020 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23 (7):831-852.
    Work is something with which most people have to engage. For many of us, it is also something towards which we feel ambivalent or worse. In this paper, I argue for the need to think about the meaning of this ambivalence when discussing the issue of state neutrality and the justification of state’s decisions as they pertain to the economy. Where the kinds of work some people have to perform issue in costs extensive enough to undermine their integrity, the neutrality (...)
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    Differences of difference.David Jenkins - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (2):206-229.
    Realists criticise the moralised approaches that inform ideal political theory for being unable to handle the brute facts of disagreement that constitute political reality. As a result, such approaches are insufficiently political, too ambitious in terms of the substantive unanimity that can be expected to emerge from political differences, and naive in the proposals they make. In this paper, I use Brian Barry’s ‘moralised‘ approach – as developed in ’Justice as Impartiality’ – to argue that ideal theory can be reformulated (...)
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    (1 other version)STS Education Research Roundtable.F. Jenkins, J. A. Bernardo, E. J. Zielinski, S. J. B. Westby, F. A. Staley, M. O. Thirunarayanan & Peter A. Rubba - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (5-6):952-957.
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    Eustratios of Nicaea's Definition of being revisited.David Jenkins - 2009 - In Charles Barber & David Jenkins, Medieval Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics. Boston: Brill. pp. 101--111.
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  26. Impartiality and Associative Duties: David O. Brink.David O. Brink - 2001 - Utilitas 13 (2):152-172.
    Consequentialism is often criticized for failing to accommodate impersonal constraints and personal options. A common consequentialist response is to acknowledge the anticonsequentialist intuitions but to argue either that the consequentialist can, after all, accommodate the allegedly recalcitrant intuitions or that, where accommodation is impossible, the recalcitrant intuition can be dismissed for want of an adequate philosophical rationale. Whereas these consequentialist responses have some plausibility, associational duties represent a somewhat different challenge to consequentialism, inasmuch as they embody neither impersonal constraints nor (...)
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    The guessing-sequence hypothesis, the 'spread of effect' and number-guessing habits.William O. Jenkins & Leta M. Cunningham - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (2):158.
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    Waves of Protest: Social Movements Since the Sixties.David G. Bromley, Diana Gay Cutchin, Luther P. Gerlach, John C. Green, Abigail Halcli, Eric L. Hirsch, James M. Jasper, J. Craig Jenkins, Roberta Ann Johnson, Doug McAdam, David S. Meyer, Frederick D. Miller, Suzanne Staggenborg, Emily Stoper, Verta Taylor & Nancy E. Whittier (eds.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book updates and adds to the classic Social Movements of the Sixties and Seventies, showing how social movement theory has grown and changed.
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    The over-reliance on self-regulation in CSR policy.Gary Lynch-Wood, David Williamson & Wyn Jenkins - 2008 - Business Ethics: A European Review 18 (1):52-65.
    The view that CSR performance can be improved most effectively through external pressures is shown to be invalid for most firms. In exploring why this is the case, the authors demonstrate that most small and medium enterprises are not exposed to the same pressures as large firms, and that this undermines many of the assumptions that underpin the externally driven business case (EDBC) for voluntary CSR practices. The analysis does this by looking at the external drivers of one of the (...)
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  30. Eudaimonism, Love and Friendship, and Political Community*: DAVID O. BRINK.David O. Brink - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):252-289.
    It is common to regard love, friendship, and other associational ties to others as an important part of a happy or flourishing life. This would be easy enough to understand if we focused on friendships based on pleasure, or associations, such as business partnerships, predicated on mutual advantage. For then we could understand in a straightforward way how these interpersonal relationships would be valuable for someone involved in such relationships just insofar as they caused her pleasure or causally promoted her (...)
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    Srinivas Aravamudan’s Enlightenment Orientalism: Resisting the Rise of the Novel: A Roundtable Discussion.Katherine Binhammer, Eugenia Zuroski Jenkins, Daniel O’Quinn, Mary Helen McMurran & Srinivas Aravamudan - 2014 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 33:1.
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    “the Medieval Greek Commentary On The Nicomachean Ethics”.Charles Barber & David Jenkins - 2006 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 48:271-274.
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    Understanding and fighting structural injustice.David Jenkins - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 52 (4):569-586.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 52, Issue 4, Page 569-586, Winter 2021.
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    Medieval Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics.Charles Barber & David Jenkins (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    The papers gathered in this volume offer precise investigations of the historical and philosophical grounds for the first medieval commentaries on the ...
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    The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy.Fiona Jenkins - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (2):369-370.
    Book Information The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy. The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy Robert C. Solomon and David Sherman, eds., Oxford: Blackwell, 2003, viii + 345, $69.30 (cloth) Edited by Robert C. Solomon; and David Sherman. Oxford: Blackwell. Pp. viii + 345. $69.30 (cloth:).
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  36. The Axe and the Oath: Ordinary Life in the Middle Ages. [REVIEW]David Jenkins - 2011 - The Medieval Review 6.
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    Work, Rest, Play... and the Commute.David Jenkins - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (4):511-535.
    While there has been considerable philosophical attention given to injustices surrounding work, there has been much less on those injustices that pertain specifically to workers’ commutes. In this paper, I argue that commutes are important parts of people’s working lives, and thus deserve attention as sites of potentially considerable injustice. I evaluate commutes in terms of their impact on people’s work, their rest, the control they exercise over their lives outside of work, and their ability to meet the demands of (...)
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    (1 other version)'Heart Robot', a public engagement project.Claire Rocks, Sarah Jenkins, Matthew Studley & David McGoran - 2009 - Interaction Studies 10 (3):427-452.
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    Level of repetition in the "spread of effect.".Fred D. Sheffield & William O. Jenkins - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (2):101.
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    Denying reciprocity.David Jenkins - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (3):312-332.
    When individuals receive benefits as a result of the burdens assumed by other people, they are expected to make a return in similar form. To do otherwise is considered as a failure to treat those other people with appropriate respect. It is this which justifies the expectation that individuals share in the labour that is necessary to preserve just institutions and productive practices that characterise complex schemes of social cooperation. In this paper, I argue that where benefits do not meet (...)
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    Echoes of No Thing: thinking between Heidegger and Dogen.Nico Jenkins - 2018 - [United States]: Punctum books.
    Echoes of No Thing seeks to understand the space between thinking which Martin Heidegger and the 13th-century Zen patriarch Eihei D ogen explore in their writing and teachings. Heidegger most clearly attempts this in Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and D ogen in his Sh ob ogenz o, a collection of fascicles which he compiled in his lifetime. Both thinkers draw us towards thinking, instead of merely defining systems of thought. Both Heidegger and D ogen imagine possibilities not apparent (...)
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  42. Justification magnets.C. S. I. Jenkins - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):93-111.
    David Lewis is associated with the controversial thesis that some properties are more eligible than others to be the referents of our predicates solely in virtue of those properties’ being more natural; independently, that is, of anything to do with our patterns of usage of the relevant predicates. On such a view, the natural properties act as ‘reference magnets’. In this paper I explore (though I do not endorse) a related thesis in epistemology: that some propositions are ‘justification magnets’. (...)
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    Moral judgments and ethical constructs in clinical psychology doctoral students.Angie C. Jenkin, Helen Ellis-Caird & David A. Winter - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (1):1-12.
    ABSTRACT This cross-sectional study compared the moral reasoning of first-year and third-year doctoral students in clinical psychology. Nineteen first-year and 20 third-year students were recruited from 17 doctoral training programs in the UK. Most adopted a sophisticated approach to moral judgments, as assessed by the Defining Issues Test, although, surprisingly, more experienced students had significantly less sophisticated schemata. In their moral judgments, less experienced students relied more heavily on their personal, and more experienced students on their professional, constructs, as assessed (...)
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    An Ethos for (In)Justice.David Jenkins - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (2):185-206.
    Where institutions are well-ordered and governed according to principles identified as necessary for justice, the attitudes and behaviors of citizens are also likely to be affected: they will develop a specific ethos that is appropriate for sustaining that just order. However, the absence of a substantially just basic structure will also take effect on what is considered an appropriate sense of justice suited to dealing with nonideal situations characterized by potentially profound injustice. Where ideal theory can describe an ethos necessary (...)
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    God, Jesus, and life in the Spirit.David E. Jenkins - 1988 - Philadelphia: Trinity Press International.
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    The Right Not to Own.David Jenkins - 2022 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (2):231-261.
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    Mono No Aware: How Conservatives Should do Change.David Jenkins - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (2):341-360.
    In this paper, I describe a conservative disposition to change which is capable of operating alongside three other dispositions: First, a disposition to accept a degree of epistemic humility with respect to the kinds of change that count as an ‘intimation’ or continuation of the value contained in some given situation. Second, a disposition to acknowledge the legitimacy of democratic majorities, even when these are not always expressions of those ‘intimations’ or continuations. Third, the disposition to help alleviate recognizable injustices (...)
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    An experimental analysis of set in rote learning: the interaction of learning instruction and retention performance.Leo Postman & William O. Jenkins - 1948 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 38 (6):683.
  49.  49
    Being Social: The Philosophy of Social Human Rights.Kimberley Brownlee, Adam Neal & David Jenkins (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    This pioneering collection of original essays aims to remedy the neglect of social needs and rights in human rights theory and practice by exploring the social dimensions of the human-rights minimum.
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    Against Project Arcadia.David Jenkins - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):112-125.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future contexts? How (...)
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